The hypothetical model showed a good fit with the empirical data.
[χ2/df =2.87(p=.72), GFI=1.00, AGFI=.98, RMSR=.025, NFI=.99, standardized residuals (-1.44~1.44) ]. To heighten for the parsimony and fitness of the model, a modified model was constructed by deleting according to the criteria of statistical significance and meaning.
The modified model also showed a good fit with the data.
[χ2 =5.26(01=7,p=.63), GFI=.99, AGFl=.97, RMSR=.025, NFI=.99, standardized reslduals (-1.50~1.45) ]
Self-esteem(β42=-.48, t=-5.64) had a negative and perceived life stress(β43=.20, t=3.21)had a positive direct effect on depression. Meaning of life had a negative direct(β41=-.17, t=-2.19) and a negative indirect effect through self-esteem on depression. Volunteer activity had a negative indirect effect through meaning of life, meaning of life and self-esteem on depression. Health status had a negative direct and a negative indirect effect through meaning of life, meaning of life and self-esteem on depression. Economic status had a negative indirect effect through perceived life stress on depression. Self-esteem was the most significant variable.
Volunteer activity(γ11=.43, t=6.78) and health status(γ12=.35, t=4.88) had positive direct effect on meaning of life.
Meaning of life(β21=.50, t=6.53) had a positive direct effect on self-esteem. Volunteer activity had a positive indirect effect through meaning of life on self-esteem. Health status had a positive direct(γ22=.18, t=2.23) and a indirect effect through meaning of life on self-esteem. Meaning of life was the most significant variable.
Economic status(γ33=-.44. t=-6.01) had a positive direct effect on perceived life stress.