In the purpose of fetal education, the well-balanced emotion showed the highest mark. The cognition of fetal education(woman:4.39±0.52, husband:3.88±0.70) and the practice (woman:3.88±0.60, husband:3.83±0.70) showed the relatively high mark, but the score of cognition showed higher than that of practice.
In the comparison of the cognition between the delivered woman and the husband for the fetal education the item of the mental or health state would affect unborn baby, which occupied the highest mark in both woman and the husband(woman:4.81±0.44, husband :4.81±0.50). But they were prohibited to eat the deformed food, which showed the lowest mark(woman:3.19±1.12, husband:3.21±1.29).
In the comparison of the practice for the fetal education between the delivered woman and the husband, the practice for the healthy baby showed the highest mark in woman (4.51±0.71), which had a statistically significant difference(P=0.025), compared with that of the husband(4.13±0.99).
In the comparison of cognition and practice for the fetal education, the general character was associated with the duration of marriage, the satisfaction with marriage and the support of husband on pregnancy. The mark was associated with the age of woman, the level of education and the first birth.
The significant factors influencing on the practice for the fetal education were connected with the cognition of fetal education, age, satisfaction with marriage, the support of husband on pregnancy, the type of family, the experience of delivery and the state of health during the period of pregnancy. etc.