Journal List > Korean J Women Health Nurs > v.13(1) > 1127485

Kim, Park, Park, Chung, and Ahn: Analysis of Published Papers and their Keywords in the Korean Journal of Women Health Nursing (2003-2006)



This research was aimed to explore the major subjects and research theme and to classify characteristics of the key words in recent Korean Journal of Women Health Nursing.


With survey design, whole 103 published papers during 2003-2006 were analyzed with structured analysis form; research subjects, research methodology, data analysis, and key words of the published papers were classified and extracted. Various theme was founded and classified to 9 domains.


Most of the research subjects were women. Eighty-eight percent of papers conducted quantitative research; 83% chose convenience sampling and 69% used survey design, while experimental design was 29%. Key words were categorized 9 domains: demographic, health related concept, health behavior(intervention), sex-related, life event, disease, et al. Among 9 domains, health related concept, especially psycho-social topics such as depression, anxiety, stress were mostly studied and then physiologic topics such as labor pain, fatigue, and menstrual symptoms.


Most of the subjects were women and the most common domain studied was health related concepts in Korean Journal of Women Health Nursing. And key words and topics were on women's health issues. We can conclude that Korean Journal of Women Health Nursing has published by her own philosophy.

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