Journal List > Korean J Women Health Nurs > v.13(4) > 1127458

Lee and Kim: Effects of a Premarital Education Program for Single person



The purpose was to test the effects of a premarital education program for singles on their sex role attitude and marriage expectations.


Forty seven single people were recruited through website advertisements. Volunteers were randomly assigned either to participate in a 4 week premarital education program(2 hours per week)(n=23) or the option to get a hand-out used with the experimental group after a post-test(n=24). An interviewer blinded to the randomization collected questionnaire data from all subjects at pre and post test. The program covered 2 thematic areas: the value of marriage and gender equity-relations. The data was analyzed using χ2-test, t-test, and ANCOVA.


There was a significant difference in the marriage-expectation score between the two groups. However, the sex role attitudes score in the experimental group was not significantly different from that of the control group.


This premarital education program for singles had positive effects on marriage expectations but not on sex role attitude. Longer follow-up might be needed to evaluate these effects.

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