This survey assessed the prevalence and type of sexual dysfunction in middle-aged women regarding sexually related personal distress and examined the prevalence of perceived sexual dysfunction and perceived partners' dysfunction by women.
One-hundred ten healthy community-based middle-aged women participated voluntarily, and validated questionnaires of the Female Sexual Function Index(FSFI) and the Female Sexual Distress Score(FSDS) were used.
The percentage of women having sexual dysfunction and sexual distress were 67% and 32% respectively according to the cut-off of FSFI and FSDS. The average score of FSFI was 23.5(s.d.=5.7), which was lower than the cut-off of FSFI, while the average score of FSDS was 13.2, which was in range of a normal score. When considering the two concepts simultaneously, the women were categorized into 4 groups: sexually stressed dysfunction group (24.8%), sexually depressed group(42.2%), sexually healthy group(25.7%), and sexually hyperactive group (7.3%). The percentage of women reporting sexual problems was 24.3%, while the percentage of women reporting sexual dysfunction in their partner was 29.9%.