Journal List > Korean J Women Health Nurs > v.14(1) > 1127447

Kim: A Study of Spousal Support, the Demand for Health Education, and Quality of Life for Married Female Immigrants



The purpose of this study was to understand spousal support, demand for health education, and quality of life for married female immigrants.


A total of 120 subjects with adequate communication skills participated in this study from March 1, 2006 until January 30, 2007. Participants were female visitors at the Immigrant Consultation Center in "M City", "Y County" and "M County" in South Jeolla Province. The questionnaire used in this study consisted of a total of 42 items. Data were analyzed using SPSS/win 10.2 to describe subjects' characteristics by frequency, and descriptive statistics, and to test group differences by t-test and ANOVA.


The highest demand for health education was exercise, and followed by stress management and diet. The level of spousal support for subjects was below average, and the level of quality of life was above the medium. The most difficult thing in their life was the difficulty in language. There was a significant difference in quality of life by level of education, level of life satisfaction, number of childbirths, and age. There was also a significant difference in spousal support by level of life satisfaction.


There is a need for a multidimensional strategy to improve the quality of life and spousal support for immigrant females in international marriages.

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