Journal List > Korean J Pediatr Infect Dis > v.6(2) > 1126674

Choe, Shin, Choung, Tockgo, and Yoon: Measles Specific IgG in Adults



The aim of this study is to determine the age-specific seropositivity and the level of measles specific IgG in adults and to evaluate herd immunity to measles in Korea, the measles specific IgG were measured from the sera of adults over ages of 20 in Korea.


156 sera were collected from 156 out-patients over ages 20, who had visited clinical laboratory from June to July in 1997 at Korea University Ansan Hospital. The histories of natural measles or vaccination were not undertaken. Measles specific IgG titers were measured using ELISA method(SIA™ Measles IgG Kit Co. St. Louis, Mo).


The results obtained from this study were as follows. 1) The seropositivity of measles specific IgG in adults was 94.9%. And there were no significant differences in their age and gender. 2) The mean measles-specific IgG titer was 238±84AU/mL. And there were no significant differences in age and gender, except significant lower in 4th decades than other age groups. And there were no significant correlations between age and measles specific IgG level.


In conclusion, a seropositivity of in adults was 94.9% which was higher than that of adolescents(91.2% in previous study), and antibody level was similar with adolescents. The herd immunity of the adults were considered to enough for protecting the transmission of measles in the community. For the eradication of measles in Korea, more efforts will be required to increase the vaccine coverage rate in children and adolescents.

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