Journal List > Korean J Occup Environ Med > v.8(2) > 1126280

Choi, Song, Won, Kang, Cha, and Roh: A Post-examination Health Care Status of Workers with Noise Induced Hearing Loss in Manufacturing Factories


The number of workers with noise induced hearing loss which comprise 56.9% in the total number of workers with work-related diseases in Korea of 1994, are becoming in position of the most serious problem. Periodic health examination system which was introduced for health care of workers on hazardous workplace has played important role in health care and the prevention of work-related diseases. The goal of periodic health examination may be obtained when we not only discover occupational disease, but also control them effectively. To study the post-examination health status of workers with noise induced hearing loss diagnosed from 1991 to 1994 in the periodic health examination, all 154 workers in 102 manufacturing factories in Banwol and Siwha industrial complex were reviewed.
1. Among 154 workers, 87 workers (56.5%) were changed to different department, 67 workers (43. 5%) remained in the same department.
2. Among 102 workplaces, only 23 workplaces (22.9%) 'had changed their working environment while 79 workplaces (77.1%) did not.
3. In this study, post-examination health care of the workers diagnosed as noise induced-hearing loss had significant correlated with the presence of health care manager, Industrial Health and Safety Committee in workplace and size of industry. The improvement of working environment is also closely related with the presence of health care manager in workplace.
4. Among 154 respondents, 3 Wkers(l. 9%) had received! compensationwhile 151; workers(98.1%) did not.
5. The reasons for not requesting the compensation were that 117 workers (77.5^) were ignorant of the administrative procedure for compensation, 30 workers (19.9%) were not sure of receiving compensation, 4 workers (2.6%) were busy. Considering the result of this study, we must establish the guide of management or contents of post management for noise induced hearing loss. To prevent the noise induced hearing loss, and protect the workers with noise induced hearing loss, education about post management is much required for employer and employee.

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