Journal List > Korean J Occup Environ Med > v.9(2) > 1126220

Lee, Lee, Kim, Lee, Park, and Woo: Neurobehavioral Effects of Low Level Lead-exposed Workers at CRT(Cathode Ray Tube) Manufacturing Factory


To assess neurobehavioral effects of 48 low level lead-exposed workers in CRT manufacturing factory, simple and choice reaction time test with NTOS (Neurobehavioral Tests for Occupational Screening), digit symbol and digit span with K-WAIS (Korean Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale), and SCL-90-R (Symptom Check List 90 revised) was examined. These screening test battery reflect 3 psychological domain; psychomotor, short term memory, and symptom. Average blood lead level was 17.7 microgram/dl and mean exposure duration was 5.6 years. Nobody exceeded blood lead level over 40 microgram/dl, the guideline. We divided workers to two group, shorts-term exposed group(< or = 5 years) and long-term exposed groups 5 years) for analysis. ANCOVA model of simple reaction time, hostility, phobic anxiety, somatization were statistically significant and coefficient of independent variable of exposure duration was also significant. MANCOVA model of SCL-90-R was significant, too. The results of this study were consistent with previous study; symptoms were early neurobehavioral effects of low level lead exposure. And this study showed that current blood lead level as independent variable was able to mask the early neurobehavioral effects.

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