Journal List > Korean J Occup Environ Med > v.12(4) > 1126154

Park, Kim, Son, Kim, Kim, Jung, and Kim: Two Cases of Neuropathy by Methyl Bromide Intoxication during Fumigation



To report two cases of neuropathy due to methyl bromide intoxication.


Workers, engaged in the fumigating process, complained fatigue, general weakness, ataxia, and hypersomnia. We evaluated them with blood tests, neurophysiologic studies and MRI and investigated their occupational history.


Increased signal intensities were found in the medulla oblongata and paraver mian of cerebellum in MRI and after 11 days, high signal intensities were reduced in the following MRI. In the other case, polyneuropathy and rlght lower brainstem lesion were observed In the NCV and BAEP studies.


We confirmed that worker's symptoms were related to methyl bromide exposure in the fumigation. It is necessary that we should evaluate present condition of fumigating process and prepare appropriate methods to protect workers engaged in the fumigation.

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