Journal List > J Korean Orthop Assoc > v.20(6) > 1124127

Park, Jahng, and Chang: Surgical Treatment of Malunited and Nonunited Colles' Fracture: Report of 6 Cases


Even though closed treatment of Colles' fracture leads to satisfactory clinical results, many patients who have had such a fracture are found to have permanent disability and poor function of hand and wrist. Malunion occurs frequently following Colles' fracture and there is considerable disability, pain and deformity associated with this lesion. Such deformity of wrist can usually be prevented by proper treatment, but if deformity developes, better function and a normal appearing wrist can be restored by a corrective osteotomy. The authors experienced 6 cases of malunited Colles' fracture which had been treated by corrective osteotomy, Darrach resection, and osteoclasis, etc.

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