Journal List > J Korean Orthop Assoc > v.20(3) > 1124112

Park and Lee: Congenital Coxa Vara: Report of Two Cases


Congenital coxa vara is an uncommon dysplasia, not evident at brith, which first noticed when the child begins walking. Radiographs of the proximal femur include a decreased neck shaft angle, a wide and vertically aligned physis, an irregular metaphyseal ossification, a shortened femoral neck, a triangular osseous fragment adjacent to the inferior margin of the physis, a normal but osteoporotic femoral head, and secondary degenerative changes of the hip joint in neglected case. Prompt diagnosis and early management can reduce severe deformity and degenerative changes of the hip. Authors had been treated two cases of congenital coxa vara with valgus osteotomy followed by good results.

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