Journal List > J Korean Orthop Assoc > v.20(3) > 1124109

Ahn, Kim, and Lee: Valgus Deformity after Non-displaced Fracutre of the Proximal Tibia in Children


Tibia valga has been described as a consequence of non-displaced fractures of the proximal metaphysis of the tibia in children. There has been considerable speculation about the cause of this deformity. Four cases of estabilished valgus deformity following injury to the proximal tibia metaphysis in children are presented. In one case of them, it was showed that an infolding of a portion of the periosteum of the tibiain medial opening of this fracture. It was treated by surgical clearence of the infolding periosteum and varus osteotomy with slight over-correction and partial fibulectomy. The recurrence of valgus deformity was absent during post operative one year. In another case, roentgenogram showed an asymmetrical growth arrest line of the pmximal tibia. The presence of asymmetrical growth arrest lines in the pmximal metaphysis of the tibia demonstrates that the valgus deformity in this patient was caused by overgrowth of the medial portion of the proximal tibial epiphyseal plate. In the remainder, we observed the deformity developed without any specific cause.

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