Journal List > J Korean Orthop Assoc > v.20(3) > 1124099

Whang, Lee, Kim, and Chang: The Clinical Study of Free Dorsalis Pedis Flap by Microsurgery


Free dorsalis pedis flap transfers were performed in twelve cases at the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery of Hanyang University Hospital from January, 1980 to December, 1983. The result were summerized as followings; 1. Among twelve cases of the free dorsalis pedis flap transfer, neurovascular flap transfers were performed in nine cases and tendocutaneous flap transfers in five cases. 2. In all cases the textures of flaps were improved and the bulky subcutaneous fat tissues were shrunk gradually, so cosmetically good results were obtained. 3. Temperature, pain, protective and touch sensations were retained or restored by preservation of sensory nerve. 4. Free dorsalis pedis flap transfer has many advantages compared to conventional skin grafts, such as shorter therapeutic time, lesser physical or economic demands and primary covering to vital organ. 5. In injured hands, the application of free dorsalis pedis flap transfer including long extensor tendons of foot has been shown the excellent clinical result in the point of functional and cosmetic effect in dorsum of hand, as transferring simultaneously free tendon and skin flap. 6. Free dolis pedis flap transfer needs abundant experiences, meticulous microvascular technique and anatomic knowledge.

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