Journal List > Korean J Gynecol Oncol Colposc > v.7(1) > 1123893

Park, Lee, Hwang, and Lee: A Clinical and Statistical Study in 78 Cases of Ovarian Cancer


Clinical and pathological studies were carried out on 78 patients of ovarian cancer from January 1985 to March 1991. The results are as follows : l. Among 78 patients of ovarian cancer, the age group from 51 to 60 years old was most common which was 18 cases(23.1%). 2. When classified according to the cell type, epithelial cell origin cancers were 59 cases (75.6%), ovarian cancers from germ cell origin 9 cases(11.5%), sex cord stromal cancers 3 cases(3.8%), and metastatic cancers 7 cases(8.9%) respectively. 3. When classified according to the FIGO staging, stage I were 34 cases(43.5%), stage II 8 cases(10.3%), stage III 23 cases(29.5%) and stage IV 13 cases(16,7%), respectively. 4. Preoperative mean CA 125 value of stage I ovarian cancer was 130.2+/-57.3U/ml, stage II 74.2+/-144.4U/ml, stage III 376.9+/-296.8U/ml and stage IV 433.9+/-148.2U/ml respectively. and Also preoperative mean CEA value of stage I ovarian cancer was 3.4+/-3.2ng/ ml, stage II 6.9+/-4.3ng/ml, stage III 4.7+/-4.4ng/ml and stage IV 4.6+/-6.3ng/ml respectively. 5. When classified according to the physical examination, the most common finding was palpable mass which were 38 cases(43.7%), the second, abdominal pain 30 cases(38.4%) and the third, abdominal distension 21 cases(26.9%) 6. When classified according to the operation, ipsilateral oophorectomy was 15 cases(25.5%), ipsilateral oophorectomy and contralateral ovary wedge resection 6 cases(10.2%), total abdominal hysterectomy 17 cases(28.8%), total abdominal hysterctomy and omentectomy 14 cases(23.7%), total abdominal hysterectomy and omentectomy and debulking tumor resetion 4 cases(6.7%) and biopsy only 3 cases(5.1%) respetctively. 7. When calssifide according to the postoterative endometrial finding, atrophic pattern was 28 cases(65.7%), proliferative pattern 10 cases(28.6%) and secretory pattern 2 cases(5.7%) respectively.

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