Journal List > Korean J Gynecol Oncol Colposc > v.5(2) > 1123821

Kim, Nam, and Mok: Efficacy of Tumor Markers, CA 125, CA 15-3 and UGF in Differentiating Malignant from Benign Pelvic Tumors



The purpose of our study waa to evaiuate wheather the combined use of various tumor markers, CA 125, CA 15-3 and UGF(urinary gonadotropin frgment) could improve the effieacy for differentiating malignant from benign pelvic tumors.


Preoperative remples were collected from 109 patients with pelvic masses. Using immurradiometric assays, CA 125, CA 15-3 and using enzyme immunoassay UGF were measured.


Serum CA l25 level, were elevated above 35 U/m1 in 78.l% and above 65 U/ml in 62.5% of 32 patients with malignant pelvic masses, and in 20.3%, and 8.7% of 69 patients with benign pelvic maaece, respetively. Sensitivity of CA 15 3(>30 U/ml) and UGF(>3 fmal /mgCr) levels occured in 29% and 50% of patients with malignancies, and in l.7%, and 6.6% of patients with benign masses, respeetively. Sensitivity of CA 125 were higher than thase of CA l5-3 and UGF. However epecificity of CA 125 was lower than those of other two markers. Sensitivity and Specificity of UGF were located between those of CA 125 and CA 15-3. For differentiating maligrwmt from benign, among patients below 50 years of age, coorclinate elevation uf CA 125(>35 U/ml) and, CA 15-3(>30 U/ml) ar UGF(>3 fmol/mgCr) reveal with a sensitivity of 550% and a specificity of 100% in malignant pelvic masses, and with 57% of seensitivity and 100% of specificity in malignant epithelial ovarian cancer, respectively.


Combined use of CA 125 of CA l5-3 and UGF could obtain an acceptable sensi-tivity and an excellent specificity in differentiating malignant from benign pelvic masses, especially among patients below 50 years of age.

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