Specific types of HPV are currently implicated as etiologic agents of precuraors and cancerous lesions of the uterine cervix. This study used the data gained from one hundred twenty five wmen who underwent cnnrrent. Papanicoiaou smear, colposcopic diagnosis, and cervicovaginal lavage for HPV BNA test at Dysplasia Clinic in Kangnam St. Mary's Hospital. 38 patients had low-grade squemous intraepithelial lesiona (LGSILs) and 34 had high grade squamoua intrepithelial lesions (HGGILs), 24 invasive cervical cancers, and 29 normal control. Comlposcopic feeturee were prpectiively recorded by Reids colposcopic index and t,hen correlated with histapathologic diagnoeis. Using the colposcopic index, 86.4% was eorrelated with histapathologic findings. DNAs extracted from the cervicovaginal lavages were analyzed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using the HPV L1 consensus primers. HPV DNA was detected in 79 of 125 women (63.2%). Prevalences of HPV DNA in the patients with LGSIL (71.1%), HGSIL, (76.5%i) and cervix caneer (75.0%) showed no difference in statistics. Low-risk oncogenic viruses.(HPV-6/11) were present in 13.2% of patients with LGSIL, but none was detect,ed in thoee with HCSIL and cervix cancer. Intermediate-riak oncogenic viruses (HPV-31/33/35) were deterted in 5.3% of patients with LGSIL 8.8% in HGSIL, and none in cervix cancer. Prevalence of high-rsk onccgenie type HPV 16/18 was higher in HGSIL (41.2%) and invnsive cervical cancer (45.8%) than those of LGSII (15.8%) and cnntrols (3.5 %) (P = 0.0001). These data indicate that colposcnpic scoring has adjunctive diagnostic rale in predict,ing his-tology. And, HPV DNAs were found in similar incidence in the various histologic grades of cervical neoplasia. HPV-6/11 were detec only in LGSIL and HPV 31/33/35 in LGSIL and HGSIL, but not in invasive canser. HPV-16/18 were the predominant viruses which were detected in HGSIL, and invasive aervi 1 cancer. In canch.isizn, a combination of HPV testing and colposcopic scoring would provide sensitive screening methade for cervial cencer and pr nceraus lesions. And HFV typing might have prognmtic value in the management of patients with HPV related cervical neoplastic lesions.