Proliferating cell nuclear ntigen (FCNA) iis a nuclear protein that is syntheaimd in late Gl and S phases of cell cycle and is correlated with the cell proliferative stale. The recent study demonstrated that FCNA functions in 13NA replication. The present study evaluated proliferetive iindices (PI) for the assessment of tumor proliferation and for investigating prognostic significancx, in cervical tumors. lmmunohiatoehemical PCNA staining was perfurmed in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded cervical tissues via the avidin-biotin-complex immunoperoxidase methad. Mean PI was 36.03+/-5.14% in normaI controls, as compared to 66.19+/-11.36% in cerviml intraepithelial neoplasia. and 63.19+/-10.94% in invasive cervical cancer. Our results showed no significant correlation between Pll and histological type. Among invasive cervical cancer (24 cases), PI waa 64.43+/-10.94% in squamoua cell carcinoma and 59.00+/-4.10% in adenocarcinoma. There was no eipiifiant relationship between Fl and clinical etage, and between PI and lesion size. This study auggeste that Pl may not serve as a new prognostie factor in cervical tumors.