Journal List > Korean J Gynecol Oncol Colposc > v.5(1) > 1123814

Suh and Moon: Comparative Study of the Cervical Cytology, Colposcopic Impression and Directed Biopsy on the Role of the Diagnostic Approach to the Cervical Carcinoma


A total of 369 patients with abnoirmal cervical eytology and suspicious lesions of the cervix were colposcoped end 356 patients of whom were, taken directed biopsy to assess the lesions preeisely and compare the aeeuracy of the eaeh methods. The results of cervical cytology were elso compared with the colpoacopic impression and colposcopically directed biopsies. 252 patients with abnr;irmal colyoaeopie findings were performl conization, simple hiysterectomy or radical hysterectomy depending on their current idisease statua. The rate of one grade less or more advanced correlation between the cervical cytology and directed biopsy was 72.4% and thiat of two grade less wns 80.3% and as for the correletion between the colposcopic imprwssions and the colposcopically directed biopsies, the rate of ciompatibility was 91.5%. Bases on the hetopathologic findings of the surgical apeeimen, the eompatibility rotcs of eervical cytology, colposcopic impressions and colposcopilIy divected hiopsies were 70.2%, 90.6% and 98.0% respectively. With these results, we can reach a conclusion that the colpnscopic impression itself is almost as accurate as the colposcopicolly directed biosy and the directed biopsy can take the place of conization so far as the diagnostic accuracy is concerned.

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