Journal List > Korean J Gynecol Oncol Colposc > v.5(1) > 1123811

Han, Nam, Kim, Lee, Cho, and Jin: Cervical Cytology: A Randomized Comparison of Presenting Rate of Endocervical Cells and metaplastic Cells According to Sampling Methods


The retrieval of columnar endocervical cells from the squamocolumnar junction has generally beer considered to be a measure of the adequacy of a Papanicolaous smear ; this implies that if endocervical cells are alxent frorn the semear, the examination for cervical cancer is Iess than optimal and shoulcl be repeated. The quality of the cervical smear, a decisive factor in the efficaey of population acreening can depend on the seunpling methrod utilized. An analysis was made of the performance of the, four sampling methods each had used ; Self cytxpick(method A), Cotton ball(method B), Cytobrush(method C), Cervix(method D). 1) Endorervical cells were present in 85% (method C), 74%(mehtod D), 14% (method B), 7% (method A). 2) Metaplastic cells were present in 44%(method D), 40%.(method C), 27%(method B), 8%(method A) of the smears. Based on the results of this study we would advise the use af Cytobrush or Cervix for population screening and would advise against, the use of cotton ball.

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