Prolactin is elevated in the serum of patients with cervical carcimomas. It is suggested that such edtopically secreteted prolactin may be a potential marker for detecting early occult tumors or gauging the effectiveness of therapy for human cervicla carcinoma. We have immunohistochemical study to investigate the presence or absence of prolactin in 16 cases of nrmal cervical tissues and 26 cases of neoplastic formalin fixed cervical tissues. The results were as follows. 1. All cases of 10 normal uterine cervical tissues and all cases of 5 squamous metaplasia of the cervix revealed positive reaction to prolactin antisera. 2. One case of four moderate dyplasia of the cervix revealed positive reacion to prolactin antisera. 3. One case of five squamous cell carcinoma in situof the cervix revealed positive reaction to prolactin antisera. 4. All cases of 10 keratinizing sqyamous cell carcinoma of the cervix revealed positive reaction to prolactin antisera, but only 1 case non-keratinizing sqyamous cell carcinoma of the cervix revealed positive reaction to prolactin antisera. The results are suggested that prolactin may play a some role in the developement and growth of the cervical carcinoma. But further stydy of the biologic actions of prolactin in many cervical tissues is warranted.