Thirty-nine cases of invasive cervical cancer with human papillomavirus(HPV) DNA sequences were analyzed to detennine if HPV type 16 or 18 clinical or prognostic significance. HPV type was determined by Southern blotl hybridization. HPV 16 was detected in 12 cases, and HPV 18 in 5 cases. Sixty percent of HPV 18 tumors were grade III (3 of 5), whereas 8.3% (1 of 12) of HPV 16 tumors and 5.6% (1 of 18) of HPV 16/18 negative tumors were grade III. Age, clinieal stage, histologic cell type, lesion size, and liyrriph node metestasis in relation to HPV type were not statistically significant. The mean age of HPV 1~6 group was 50 years, compared to 47 years for the HPV 18 group. Of 30 squamous carcinomas, HPV 16 was detected in 12 cases(40.0%), and HPV 18 in 4 cases (13.3%). Of 4 adenosquamous and adenocarcinomas, HPV 16 was detected in 0 case(0.0%), and HPV 18 in 1 case(25.0%). Among stge IB-IIA caners, lymph node metastasis was associated with 20% of HP-V 16 cases(2 of 10) as cotinparxl with 25% of HPV 18 cases(1 of 4) and 7.7% Of HPV 16/18 negative cases (1 of 13). It is suggested that HPV type 18 might be associated with worse prognostic factos of invasive cervical cancer than HPV type 16.