Journal List > Korean J Gynecol Oncol Colposc > v.4(1) > 1123768

Lee, Lee, and Mok: Analysis of prognostic factors associated with the treatment failures in stage IB and IIA carcinoma of the uterine cervix


One hundred fifty-seven patients wha underwent radical hysterectomy and pelvic lymphadenectomy for FIGO stage IB and IIA carcinoma of the cervix between February l975 and May 1987 were retros-pectively analysed to identify specific risk factors associsted with treatment failures. Prognostic factors inciuded clinical stage, histologic cell type, degree of differentiation, size of primary tumor, depth of stromal invasian, lymph-vaseular space invasion, and lymph node metastasis. Treatment results were evaluated according to the recurrence rate and 2-year absolute recurrence-free survival(NED) rate by the prognostie faetors and treatment modalities. Patients with lymph node me tases had a significantly higher incidence of bulky primary(-> 4cm), depth of stromal invasion(> 60% thickness), and lymph-vascular invasion(P<0.005). There was significant difference in the recurrence rate and 2-year, NED rate between cervical carcinoma stage IB and I1A(P <0.005). The pat,ients who had bulky primary tum~or(>4cm) and/or depth of stromal invasion (>60% thickness) had a higher recurrence and lower 2-year NKD rate(P<0.025, P<0.005), Unfortunately, it was not possible to demonstrate that these detrimentel effects could be overeorne by postoperetive radiation. When adjoined for these risk group, traditionally reported poor prognostic factors such as nodal metatasis, cell type and differentiation, lyrnphi-vascular mvasion assume less importance in our studies. In this study, prognosis is most inf1ueneed by clinical stage, depth of stromal invasion, and size of primary tumor.

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