Journal List > Korean J Gynecol Oncol Colposc > v.4(1) > 1123765

Lee and Park: An Immunohistochemical Study for the ras and neu Oncoprotein and Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor in the Uterine Cervical Carcinoma


To evaluate the expression of ras, neu oncoprotein a.nd epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) on uterine cervieal carcinoma, imimunohistochemieal staining was performed on 9 cases of dysplasia, 39 cases of careinoma in situ(CIS), 32 cases of microinvasive earcinoma(WIC) and 60 cases of frankly invasive carrinoma(FIC). The results obtained were as follows: Ras p21 protein was positive in 29.5% of total cases, and it was very low in dysplasia lesion(12. 5%) and CLS(17.9%) while it was high in MIC(31.3%) and FIC(38.9%). In CIS, parabasal cell type showed positive reaction in only 8.7%, but pleomorpkic type showed 60.0% positivity. Invasive carcinoma showed no significant differences between histolegic types. Expression of neu protein was very high in caneerous group(around 95%) and slight,ly lower in dysp]asia(75.0%). No differences were found depending on histologic types and stages. EGFR was expressed in 51.8% of total cases; 12.5% of dysplasia; 54.2% of all cases of carcinoma. Keratinizing type of CIS showed highest positive reaction(90,0%), of which tendency were also noted in keratinizing type of i.nvasvie cinoma(76.2%). The results suggested that ras and EGFR could be used as a factor of prognostic value.

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