We studied 42 with normal eervix and 63 wornen with invasive cervical carcinoma to investigate the correlation between the prognostie variables of the cervical cancer(age, clinical stage, tumor size, depth of invasion, lymph nodle metastasis) and ras gene expression, analyzed using immunohistochemical staining with formalin fixed paraffin embedded tissues from January 1985 to Decemeber 1986. And we determined the prognostic significance by comparing the 5-year disease free survival rate according to ras gene expression. There was significant difference in ras oncogene expression between the normal cervix and the invasive cervical carcinoma(0%, 22.2%; p<0.01). And the ras gene expression was increased significantly according to clinical stage and lymph node metastasis. But the ras gene expression was not significantly associated with age, primary tumor size, and depth of invasion. And there was no significant difference in 5-year disease free survival rate by the ras gene expression in cervieal earcinoma. So these data su est that the ras gene expre~esion may be associated with the cervical tumorigenesis, but not useful as an indyendent prognosttc faetor of the cervical carcinoma.