Journal List > Korean J Gynecol Oncol Colposc > v.1(1) > 1123597

Lee: A study for Colposcopic Findings in the Invasiveness of Carcinoma of the Cervix


This study was carried out to establish qualitative diagnosis on colposcopy. Pthological presumption was performed colposcopically on caaes consisting of 60 carcinoma in situ, 12 mierninvasive carcinoma and 56 stage Ib cancer based on colp~nscopic findings. Charar.teristic features of colposcopic findings in each clinical stage are as follows: 1. In CIS, single fiings of white epithelium appeared mainly, and double findings out of mosaic, punctation and white epithelium followed. Atypical vessels rarely detected. Concerning circumferential expanse, grade Ill findings recognizedless than half, 2. In microinvasive carcinoma, moaic with central or penetrating vesse1s and dilated or crooked atypical vessels appeared. 3. IC findings were predominant in stage Ib cancer except some cases.

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