Journal List > Korean J Gynecol Oncol Colposc > v.1(1) > 1123596

Kim, Kim, Song, Shim, Choi, Kang, and Lee: The Efficacy of Cervical Cone Biopsy in the Diagnosis of the Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia


Naked eye punch biopsy or colposcopir,ally directed punch biopsy before cervical conization was performed in 84 patients during the period. Jan., 1981 to Dec, 1989 at Seoul National University Hospital. Diagnosis ranged from dysplasia to invasive rarcinoma of the cervix. The correct diagnosis rate of naked-eye punch biopsy, that of colposcopically directed biopsy and the role of cone biopsy were evaluated. The correlation between thc diagngeis af cytology and that of cervical conization are also evaluated. The correct diagnsis rates af the naked eye punch biopsy of dysplasia. carcinoma in situ, and microinvasive carcinoma were 77.8%, 77.8k, and 16.7% respectively. The correct diagnosis rates of colposcopieally directed biopsy of dysplasia. carcinatna in situ, and microinvasive carcinoma were 72.7%, 83,8% and 30.0% respectively. The diagnostic accuracy of cytology was 83.1% within one grade, Fifty-two of 84 cases had hysterectomy following cone biopsy, There were residual lesions found in the cervices of the removed uteri, and 3 cases of more severe grade than those found by cone biopsy. The frequency of the residual lesion in the removed uteri was 32.7% in total, 22.7% in CIS, and 33.3% in microinvasive carcinoma.

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