There has been a trend tn conservative management of cervical intraepitheqlial neoplasia(CIN) whea the cytology, colposcopy and colposcopically directed biopsy established an acqurate diagnosis. Cooservative therapeutic modalities fnr CIN were electrocoagulation, diatbermy, cold coagulation, cryotherapy and CO2 laset theriapy. The present studies were performed to compare the results of CO2 laser therapy and cryotherapy for CIN. 1. The age dis(ribution of CIN treated with CO2 laser were 29.3%, 38.8%, 20.F% and 11 2% in 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th decade respectively and in cryotherapy 32.9%, 39.5%, 19.7% and 7.9% respectively. 2. The parities of CIN treated witb CO2 1aser were over 2 in 70.7% and nullipara in 9.5%, and in cryotherapy over 2 in 73.7% aad nullipara in 7.9%. 3. The grade of CIN treated with CO2 Iaser revealed 57.8%, 31,996 and 10.3% in CIN I, H, III respectively and in cryotherapy 60.6%, 27.6'k and 11.8% respectively. 4. The failure after primary treatment were 5.2% and 9.2% in CO2 laser therapy and cryotherapy respectively and usually detected within 3rd to 6th month of follow up. 5. The persistent CIN after primary CO2, laser therapy retreated with CO2 laser or hyateiectomy and after cryotherapy, retreated with CG laser in CIN I, H, Gl and hysterectomy in CIN 6. Primary suceess rate were 98.5%, 91,5% and 80,3% in CIN I, II, lll in CO2 laser therapy but 95.7%. 90.5% and 66.7% in CIN I, Il, Ilf in cryotherapy respectively. 7. The side-effects were severe low abdominal pain(4.396, 7.8%), watery discharge(15.8%, 100%), spotting(30.1%. 25%), heavy hleeding(5.2%, 2.6%), infection(3.4%, 2.6%) in CO2 laser therapy and cryotherapy.