Journal List > J Korean Orthop Assoc > v.16(3) > 1123088

Suk, Kim, Chung, and Han: Giant Cell Tumor of the Distal Radius Treated with the Proximal Fibular Transplatation


Giant cell tumor was described by Sir Astley Cooper in 1818. The problems of recurrence are ever present and a satisfactory method of treatment has not yet been established. Since giant cell tumor of bone are characterized by prolonged and aggressive local growth and metastasite relatively late, rather radical treatment, such as block resection, may provide a good chance for cure. Four patients with giant cell tumor in distal radius which were treated with radical block resection and fibular transplantations, in Seoul National University Hospital, from september, 1977 to april, 1981, were reviewed and the following results were obtained. I. There are no recurrence yet in 2 cases in more than 2 years follow-up. 2. Due to the resemblances between the distal radius and the proximal fibula, the preservation of satisfactory functions of the forearm and the wrist after fibular transplatation was obtained in all cases. 3. Living bone graft with microvascular surgery was applied in one case, and in this case more satisfactory result is expected.

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