Journal List > J Korean Orthop Assoc > v.15(4) > 1122989

Yoon and Lee: A Clinical analysis on the Fracture of the Humerus


The cases of 128 humeral fractures were evaluated at the Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Chosun University Hospital, during the six year period from January 1974 to December 1979 and the following results were obtained. 1. The high incidence of the humeral fracture was found under the age of 30 years and the sex ratio between the male and female was 3.6:1. 2. The most common causes of injuries were fallen down on the ground (36.7%) and the nexts were traffic accidents (34.4%). 3. Among the 128 cases of fractures, humeral shaft fractures were 33 cases (32%) under the age of 40 years and 47 cases (67.1%) of supracondylar fractures under the age of 20 years and 6 cases (54.5%) of neck fractures over the age of 60 years were noted. 4. The shapes of humeral fractures found out transverse fracture in 31 cases (65.9%) and the short oblique or spiral fracture in 35 cases (71.4%). 13 cases were combined with the open would to the fracture site (10.2%). 5. In the Correlation between the age and the union rate, sound union was more rapid under the age of 20 years than the aged person. Delayed unions were revealed 5 cases in transverse fractures, 2 cases in spiral fractures and 2 cases of nonunions were experienced on both segmental and transverse fracture of the shaft (1.6%). 6. The radial nerve paralysis revealed 5 cases (10%) at the shaft fracture and 2 cases (4.3%) Volkmanns ischemic contracture, 2 cases (4.3%) of cubitus varus, 2 cases (4.3%) of cubitus valgus were experienced on the complicution in there 47 cases of supracondylar fractures.

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