We have reviewed 22 cases of acute rupture of the achilles tenden seen at Naticnal Seoul Ho pital during a seven-year peiod (1974.1 to 1980. 12), 17 treated surgically, and 5 treared cons ervatively, The results of a follow-up review are as follows: 1. Males predominated by a ratio of 21: 1. The mean age for the 22 patients was 29.8 years. Fourteen cases (63.6%.) were in the third decade. 2. The sites of rupture were 13 cases(58.4%.) on the left side and the level of rupture was at the tendon itself on 15 Cases (68.2%). 3. The cause of injury was indirect trauma in 14 cases (63.6%) and the most ccmmon mechanim of injury was a sudden push-off of the foot from the plantar flexed position: seven (50%) of 14 cases. 4. Positive Thompson test was noted in 19(86.3%) of 22 cases. 5. The average period of cast immobilization was 6 weeks in surgically treated cases and 10 weeks in conservatively treated cases. 6. The most common complication was wound infection, which developed in three cases(17.6%) postoperatively. One case of re-rupture (20%) developed after conservative treatment.