Tumoral calcinosis was coined by Inclan in 1943 and thereafter about 40 cases have been reported in the literature, but there has not been reported on a case which involved knee joints. The majority of cases hitherto reported were found in Negro. There was no report in yellow race. Authors presented a case of tumoral calcinosis that involved boih knee joints of a 55 years old Korean housewife. On physical examination chronic draining sinuses with spontaneous extrusion of calcific material was noted on the left infrapatellar region. A radiograph of the both knees showed dense, multinodular deposits of calcium. The masses were confined to the soft tissues; the contiguous joint showed no pathological change. En-block excisianal biopsy was done. The histological section of the excised mass disclosed the foreign-body giant cell with inflamed connective tissue surrounding calcific deposits.