Journal List > J Korean Orthop Assoc > v.17(3) > 1122691

Song and Kim: Treatment of Lower Limb Fractures by External Skeletal Fixator Preliminary report


A consensus of current surgical practice favors external skeletal fixation in the patients with open fractures, where it can be difficult to achieve a good position and fixation by the usual methods and ipsilateral multiple fractures where it is desirable to avoid prolonged immobilization of adjacent joints. From March, 1979 to December, 1981, 34 patients with lower limb fractures were treated by the method of external skeletal fixator. 22 patients had open comminuted fractures with extensive soft tissue injuries and 12 patients had multiple fractures which were difficult to reduce and maintain in alignment. In the 30 patients which could be assessed, the final result was excellent or good in 23 patients, acceptable in 5 patients, and poor in 2 patients.

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