Journal List > J Korean Orthop Assoc > v.18(2) > 1122412

Chang, Chung, Park, and Yoo: Surgical Management of Bone Infection (14 Cases Treated by papineau's Method)


Papineau's technique represents an excellent method of dealing with serious bone infections with significant bone and soft tissue loss. The procedure is carried out in three stages: the 1st stage is the excision of infected bone and soft tissue, stabilization of the fracture site, the 2nd stage is the cancellous bone grafting, and the 3rd stage is the skin coverage. During the period from June 1980 to September 1982, our limited experience with 14 cases has been extremely satisfactory; 1. This method is applicable to traumatic osteomyelitis and some cases in which the infection has been blood borne. 2. Successful bone grafting in the presence of infection depends upon; a. complete sequestrectomy and removal of all infected tissue b. an adequate vascular bed for the graft c. no dead space d. sufficient immobilization.

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