Journal List > J Korean Acad Prosthodont > v.57(1) > 1121607

Lee, Kim, Lee, and Pang: Prevalence and risk factors of periimplantitis: A retrospective study



The study analyzed the prevalence of periimplantitis and factors which may have affected the disease.

Materials and methods

This study based on medical records and radiographs of 422 patients (853 implant cases) who visited Ewha Womans University Mokdong Hospital Dental Center from January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2016. Generalized estimation equations (GEE) was utilized to determine the statistical relationship between periimplantitis and each element, and the cumulative prevalence of periimplantitis during the observation period was obtained by using the Kaplan Meier Method.


The prevalence rate of periimplantitis at the patient level resulted in 7.3% (31 patients out of a total of 422 patients), and at the implant level 5.5% (47 implants out of a total of 853 implants). Sex, GBR, guided bone regeneration (GBR) and functional loading periods had statistical significance with the occurrence of periimplantitis. Upon analysis of the cumulative prevalence of periimplantitis in terms of implant follow-up period, the first case of periimplantitis occurred at 9 months after the placement of an implant, and the prevalence of peri-implantitis showed a non-linear rise over time without a hint of a critical point.


The prevalence of peri-implantitis at the patient level and the implant were 7.3% and 5.5%, respectively. Male, implant installed with GBR and longer Functional Loading Periods were related with the risk of peri-implantitis. (J Korean Acad Prosthodont 2019;57:8-17)


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Fig. 1.
Risk factors of implant according to follow-up period using Kaplan Meier method.
Table 1.
Patient-related risk variables for peri-implantitis
Variable Range Patient numbers Percentage (%)
Age (years) < 20 9 2.1
21 - 30 17 4.0
31 - 40 33 7.8
41 - 50 84 20.0
51 - 60 124 29.4
61 - 70 101 23.9
71 - 80 45 10.7
> 80 9 2.1
Gender Male 202 47.9
Female 220 52.1
Smoking Yes 47 11.1
No 375 88.9
Periodontitis Yes 395 93.6
history No 27 6.4
Compliance Complete 37 8.7
Excellent 227 53.7
Erratic 89 21.1
Non 69 16.5
Total   422 100.0
Table 2.
Implant-related risk variables for peri-implantitis
Variable Range Patient numbers Percentage (%)
Implant position Maxilla 216 51.2
Mandible 206 48.8
Non-molar 90 21.3
Molar 332 78.7
Edentulism Full 9 2.1
Partial 413 97.9
Implant diameter (mm) < 3.75 41 9.7
3.75 - 4.5 171 40.5
3.75 - 4.5 171 40.5
> 4.5 210 49.8
Implant length (mm) < 10 21 5.0
10 - 15 401 95.0
> 15 0 0
Staging 1-stage 299 70.9
2-stage 123 29.1
GBR Yes 203 48.1
No 219 51.9
Connection type Screw 48 11.4
Cemented 57 13.5
SCRP 317 75.1
Prosthetic type Fixed 406 96.2
Removable 16 3.8
Opposite tooth Natural 354 83.9
Implant 45 10.7
Denture 23 5.4
Existence of Adjacent Yes 138 32.7
Implant No 284 67.3
Total   422 100.0

GBR: guided bone regeneration, SCRP: screw-cement retained prosthesis

Table 3.
Prevalence of peri-implantitis
Variables Numbers Prevalence (%)
Patient level Patients with peri-implantitis 31 7.3%
Total patients 422  
Implant level Implants with peri-implantitis 47 5.5%
Total implants 853  
Table 4.
Prevalence of peri-implantitis according to patient-related risk variables
Variable Range Implant numbers Prevalence (%)
Age (years) < 20 0 0
21 - 30 0 0
31 - 40 4 0.5
41 - 50 10 1.2
51 - 60 25 2.9
61 - 70 6 0.7
71 - 80 2 0.2
> 80 0 0
Gender Male 31 3.6
Female 16 1.9
Smoking Yes 10 1.2
No 37 4.3
Periodontitis Yes 47 5.5
history No 0 0
Compliance Complete 2 0.2
Excellent 28 3.3
Erratic 6 0.7
Non 11 1.3
Total   47 5.5
Table 5.
Prevalence of peri-implantitis according to patient-related risk variables
Variable Range Implant numbers Prevalence (%)
Implant position Maxilla 33 3.9
Mandible 14 1.6
Non-molar 9 1.9
Molar 38 3.6
Edentulism Full 6 0.7
Partial 41 4.8
Implant diameter (mm) < 3.75 2 0.2
3.75 - 4.5 16 1.9
> 4.5 29 3.4
Implant length (mm) < 10 3 0.4
10 - 15 44 5.1
> 15 0 0
Staging 1-stage 31 3.6
2-stage 16 1.9
GBR Yes 32 3.8
No 15 1.7
Connection type Screw 10 1.2
Cemented 2 0.2
SCRP 35 4.1
Prosthetic type Fixed 42 4.9
Removable 5 0.6
Opposite tooth Natural 36 4.2
Implant 6 0.7
Denture 5 0.6
Existence of Adjacent Yes 23 2.8
Implant No 24 2.7
Total   47 5.5

GBR: guided bone regeneration, SCRP: screw-cement retained prosthesis

Table 6.
Univariate GEE analysis for patient-related variables associated with the occurrence of peri-implantitis
Variables   OR 95% CI P value
Lower Upper
Age   0.9801 0.9625 0.9980 0.0298
Gender Male/Female 1.8621 0.8553 4.0541 0.1173
Smoking Yes/No 1.6406 0.5649 4.7648 0.3628
Periodontitis history∗ Yes/No NA NA NA NA
Compliance Excellent/Complete 2.4743 0.3122 19.6090 0.3910
  Erratic/Complete 1.4906 0.1616 13.7455 0.7247
  Non/Complete 3.5909 0.4197 30.7220 0.2431

GEE: generalized estimation equations, CI: confidence interval, OR: odds ratio, NA: not appropriate ∗The distribution of the number of subjects is not appropriate and the OR is not calculated.

Table 7.
Univariate GEE analysis for implant-related variables associated with the occurrence of peri-implantitis
Variables   OR 95% CI P value
Lower Upper
Implant position Mandible/Maxilla 0.4900 0.2221 1.0812 0.0773
  Molar/Non-molar 1.0951 0.4039 2.9692 0.8583
Edentulism Partial/Full 0.2917 0.0747 1.1396 0.0764
Implant diameter (mm)   1.5696 0.7746 3.1801 0.2109
Implant length (mm)   0.9082 0.2908 2.8363 0.8684
Staging 2-stage/1-stage 1.0478 0.4443 2.4708 0.9151
GBR Yes/No 2.2756 1.0853 4.7714 0.0295
Connection type Cemented/Screw 0.1793 0.0363 0.8865 0.0351
  SCRP/Screw 0.6212 0.2283 1.6897 0.3510
Prosthetic type Fixed/Removable 2.0617 0.3932 10.8107 0.3921
Functional loading periods (month)   1.0568 1.0403 1.0735 < 0.0001
Opposite tooth Implant/Natural 0.5282 0.1892 1.4748 0.2231
  Denture/Natural 1.8734 0.3637 9.6498 0.4529
Existence of adjacent Implant No/Yes 0.8593 0.3928 1.8799 0.7043

GEE: generalized estimation equations, CI: confidence interval, GBR: guided bone regeneration, OR: odds ratio, SCRP: screw-cement retained prosthesis

Table 8.
Multivariate GEE analysis for variables associated with the occurrence of peri-implantitis
Variables   OR 95% CI P value
Lower Upper
Age   0.9844 0.9614 1.0080 0.1947
Gender Male/Female 2.7306 1.1292 6.6029 0.0258
Implant position Mandible/Maxilla 0.5973 0.2547 1.4011 0.2362
Edentulism Partial/Full 0.2815 0.0534 1.4842 0.1351
GBR Yes/No 2.9335 1.3306 6.4672 0.0076
Connection type Cemented/Screw 0.4305 0.0970 1.9105 0.2677
  SCRP/Screw 1.2198 0.4195 3.5467 0.7152
Functional loading periods (month)   1.0647 1.0419 1.0882 < 0.0001

GEE: generalized estimation equations, CI: confidence interval, GBR: guided bone regeneration, OR: odds ratio, SCRP: screw-cement retained prosthesis

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