Journal List > Ann Clin Neurophysiol > v.21(1) > 1121227

Calzada-Reyes, Alvarez-Amador, Galán-García, and Valdés-Sosa: Sex differences in QEEG in adolescents with conduct disorder and psychopathic traits



Sex influences is important to understand behavioral manifestations in a large number of neuropsychiatric disorders. We found electrophysiological differences specifically related to the influence of sex on psychopathic traits.


The resting electroencephalography (EEG) activity and low-resolution brain electromagnetic tomography (LORETA) for the EEG spectral bands were evaluated in 38 teenagers with conduct disorder (CD). The 25 male and 13 female subjects had psychopathic traits as diagnosed using the Antisocial Process Screening Device. All of the included adolescents were assessed using the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR) criteria. The visually inspected EEG characteristics and the use of frequency-domain quantitative analysis techniques are described.


Quantitative EEG (QEEG) analysis showed that the slow-wave activities in the right frontal and left central regions were higher and the alpha-band powers in the left central and bitemporal regions were lower in the male than the female psychopathic traits group. The current source density showed increases in paralimbic areas at 2.73 Hz and decreases in the frontoparietal area at 9.37 Hz in male psychopathics relative to female psychopathics.


These findings indicate that QEEG analysis and techniques of source localization can reveal sex differences in brain electrical activity between teenagers with CD and psychopathic traits that are not obvious in visual inspections.


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Fig. 1.
The anatomical distribution of the sources of delta-band activity (2.73 Hz) that were increased in the male psychopathic traits group were localized over a broad region within both hemispheres. The main regions where the activity was higher in the male than the female psychopathic traits group were the orbitofrontal cortex, supplementary motor area, fusiform area, rectus area, olfactory area, anterior cingulate, medial cingulate, medial temporal pole, parahippocampus, and amygdala in both hemispheres; the insula, superior temporal pole, medial temporal gyrus, and superior frontal gyrus in the right hemisphere; and the hippocampus in the left hemisphere. R, right hemisphere; L, left hemisphere; Z, the z-axis value for each image of the shown brain template.
Fig. 2.
The anatomical distribution of the sources of alpha-band activity (9.36 Hz) that were decreased in the male psychopathic traits group were localized over a broad region within the left hemisphere. The main regions where the activity was lower in the male than the female psychopathic traits group were the orbitofrontal cortex, three parts of the inferior frontal gyrus, medial frontal gyrus, opercular parts of the inferior frontal gyrus, superior frontal gyrus, insula, precentral area, supplementary motor area, postcentral area, supramarginal area, superior parietal gyrus, inferior parietal gyrus, and angular gyrus in the left hemisphere. R, right hemisphere; L, left hemisphere; Z, the z-axis value for each image of the shown brain template.
Table 1.
Comparison of demographic and behavior variables between the male and female teenagers with psychopathic traits
Variable Male psychopathic traits Female psychopathic traits Statistic
Age (years) 15.66 (1.21) 15.35 (0.66) F = 0.40
ASPD score 27.76 (4.30) 22.16 (6.09) x2 = 0.00a
ADHD 11 5 x2 = 0.41
Dissocial conduct disorder 16 9 x2 = 0.76
Oppositional defiant disorder 5 3 x2 = 0.83

Values are presented as number (%) unless otherwise indicated.

ADHD, attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder; APSD, antisocial process screening device.

a Anova or Pearson x2, p < 0.05.

Table 2.
Classification of the adolescent electroencephalograms (EEG) in both groups by visual inspection
Group Normal Slow paroxysmal Slow and paroxysmal
Male psychopathic traits 1 (4.0) 9 (36.0) 12 (48.0) 3 (12.0)
Female psychopathic traits 3 (23.1) 5 (38.5) 4 (30.8) 1 (7.7)

Values are presented as number (%).

Table 3.
Topographic distribution of electroencephalography (EEG) abnormalities
Group Slow paroxysmal Slow and paroxysmal
Frontal Temporal Widespread Frontal Temporal Frontal Widespread
Male psychopathic traits 6 (24) 0 (0) 3 (12) 11 (44) 1 (4) 1 (4) 2 (8)
Female psychopathic traits 2 (15.4) 1 (7.7) 2 (15.4) 2 (15.4) 2 (15.4) 1 (7.7) 0 (0)

Values are presented as number (%).

Table 4.
Brain areas showing significant differences (q = 0.2) within the delta band (2.73 Hz) between male and female teenagers with psychopathic traits according to a voxel-by-voxel analysis using low-resolution brain electromagnetic tomography (LORETA)
x-mm y-mm z-mm Brodmann area Anatomical location
15 31 –24 Brodmann area 11 Orbitofrontal cortex
–18 14 –24 Brodmann area 11 Orbitofrontal cortex
37 15 –8 Brodmann area 47 Orbitofrontal cortex
8 25 52 Brodmann area 6 Supplementary motor area
–5 –12 52 Brodmann area 6 Supplementary motor area
25 –10 60 Brodmann area 8 Superior frontal gyrus
27 12 –44 Brodmann area 37 Fusiform
–21 2 –44 Brodmann area 37 Fusiform
–20 –9 –20 Brodmann area 35 Hippocampus
45 –9 –28 Brodmann area 38 Superior temporal pole
42 19 –44 Brodmann area 38 Medial temporal pole
31 11 –8 Brodmann area 13 Insula
20 –4 –28 Brodmann area 28 Parahippocampal
–18 –5 –28 Brodmann area 28 Parahippocampal
–20 –6 –16 Brodmann area 34 Amygdala
28 –1 –28 Brodmann area 34 Amygdala
–6 29 –20 Brodmann area 11 Rectus
8 23 –24 Brodmann area 11 Rectus
13 8 –16 Brodmann area 25 Olfactory
–11 9 –16 Brodmann area 25 Olfactory
6 22 32 Brodmann area 24 Medial cingulate
–5 22 36 Brodmann area 24 Medial cingulate
52 1 –28 Brodmann area 21 Medial temporal
5 11 24 Brodmann area 24 Anterior cingulate
–4 21 24 Brodmann area 24 Anterior cingulate
–24 17 –36 Brodmann area 38 Medial temporal pole

Coordinates are given in millimeters, and the origin is at the anterior commissure. Negative and positive x, y, and z values represent left and right, respectively, posterior and anterior, and inferior and superior.

Table 5.
Brain areas showing statistical differences (q = 0.1) in alpha frequency (9.36 Hz) between male and female teenagers with psychopathic traits
x-mm y-mm z-mm Brodmann area Anatomical location
–46 30 –8 Brodmann area 47 Orbitofrontal cortex
–53 27 12 Brodmann area 45 Tri portions of the inferior frontal gyrus
–15 34 52 Brodmann area 8 Superior frontal gyrus
–35 33 32 Brodmann area 46 Medial frontal gyrus
–55 6 12 Brodmann area 44 Opercular portions of the inferior frontal gyrus
–30 20 4 Brodmann area 13 Insula
–64 6 24 Brodmann area 6 Precentral
–58 –1 2 Brodmann area 43 Postcentral area
–61 –38 32 Brodmann area 2 Supramarginal
–10 19 60 Brodmann area 8 Supplementary Motor area
–26 –55 60 Brodmann area 7 Superior parietal gyrus
–40 –50 56 Brodmann area 40 Inferior parietal gyrus
–42 –62 64 Brodmann area 39 Angular gyrus

According to voxel by voxel analysis with Low-Resolution Brain Electromagnetic Tomography (LORETA). Coordinates are given in millimeters, and the origin is at the anterior commissure. For x, negative values represent left, positive values represent right. For y, negative values represent posterior, positive values represent anterior. For z, negative values represent inferior, positive values represent superior.

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