Journal List > J Korean Orthop Assoc > v.19(4) > 1121058

Kim, Ahn, and Cho: Follow - up Evaluation after Saucerization of the Chronic Osteomyelitis of Long Bones


From May, 1971 to June, 1984, we performed extensive saucerization on the chronic osteomyelitis of long bones eradicating all pathologic foci; not only sequestra but sclerotic involocurum and necrotic original cortex embeded by new bone, which was different from the conventional methods such as sequestrectomy or guttering in its extensiveness. Clinical analysis on the base of radiologic evaluation after saucerization was done on the 16 patients; for average 5 years of follow-up. The results obtained were as follows; 1. The angulatory deformity of the long bones after pathologic fracture complicated by the chronic osteomyelitis was not corrected satisfactorily due to the bony sclerosis or hyperostosis at the fracture site, especially in cases of posterior or medial angulation. 2. The recurrence was closely related to the persisting non-sequestered original cortical lesion after incomplete saucerization, which was embeded by the new bone. So to prevent the recurrence the non-sequestered original cortical lesion must be removed completely. 3. The cortical defect after saucerization was restored completely in patients under the age of 14, but which was not the way in patients over the age of 16.

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