Journal List > J Korean Orthop Assoc > v.22(3) > 1120405

Seong, Choi, Kwon, Kwon, Choi, and Kim: Malignant Granular Cell Tumor: Report of One Case


Granular cell tumor is one of the rare tumorous condition. At present there are estimated 600 reported examples of the tumor in the medical literature. Malignant granular cell tumor is a well established but extremely rare entity that is found in appr- oximately 2 % of all granular cell tumor. Diagnosis should be restricted to neoplasms that are similar in their histological appearance to benign granular cell tumors but can be seperated on the basis of cellular pleomorphism, mitotic activity, and, most importantly, their capacity to produce metastases. The authors had experienced that a 55 years old male patient had two large malignant granular cell tumors at the left thigh and left inguinal area with metastatic lesion.

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