Journal List > Korean J Pediatr Infect Dis > v.9(1) > 1118943

La and Lee: A Case of Complete Treatment of Multiple Intracranial Tuberculoma


Although the incidence of intracranial tuberculosis in children have been decreased with development of antituberculous therapy, mortality rate is still high as formerly if the diagnosis and treatment was not performed early. Authors report a case of a 5-month old male with multiple intracranial tuberculoma who have been accompanied by miliary tuberculosis and tuberculous meningitis. He was hospitalized at the pediatric department of Wonkwang University Hospital with mild fever and persistent cough. The brain MRI was performed and showed that there were multiple intracranial micronodular densities, perinodular edema and diffuse leptomeningeal enhancement which were disappeared completely after antituberculosis chemotherapy for 12 months and he had completely recovered without sequale.

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