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Journal List > J Korean Ophthalmol Soc > v.60(3) > 1117649

Kim and Kim: Prosthesis Care in Long-term Prosthetic Eye Wearers



To aid in the prosthesis care by comparing anophthalmic eyes with normal eyes in anophthalmic patients wearing prosthetic eyes for more than 1 year.


We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of 40 anophthalmic eyes and 40 normal fellow eyes of 40 patients who wore prosthetic eyes for more than 1 year after unilateral eye removal and orbital implant insertion. We compared data obtained from medical records on sex, age, punctal abnormality, lagophthalmos, eye discharge characteristics, tear meniscus height, upper eyelid palpebral conjunctiva, Meibomian gland dysfunction, Schirmer's test, lacrimal irrigation test, diagnostic probing, period of wearing the prosthetic eye, and frequency of prosthesis removal between anophthalmic eyes wearing a prosthesis and normal eyes.


Anophthalmic eyes with lagophthalmos wearing a prosthesis had a higher frequency of eye discharge than eyes without lagophthalmos (p = 0.04). Eyes with frequent prosthesis removal had a higher frequency of eye discharge than eyes with less frequent prosthesis removal (p = 0.04). However, lagophthalmos and prosthesis removal frequency were not associated with tear meniscus height, or the results of Schirmer's test, or the lacrimal irrigation test (0.174 < p < 0.971).


The frequency of prosthesis removal and presence of lagophthalmos can affect the discharge of anophthalmic eyes. It is advisable not to remove the prosthesis more than once a month to minimize eye discharge.

Figures and Tables

Figure 1

Anophthalmic socket discharege patient questionnaire for the frequency of prosthesis removal and eye discharge characteristics. Modified from Pine et al,6 with permission from the Dovepress and Kashkouli et al,5 with permission from the Elsevier.

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Table 1

Discharge characteristics and frequency of prosthesis removal with anophthalmic eyes wearing prosthetic eye for more than a year


Values are presented as number (%).

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Table 2

Comparison of TMH, Schirmer test, and lacrimal irrigation test between anophthalmic eyes wearing prosthetic eye and normal eyes


Values are presented as mean ± standard deviation (range) or number (%) unless otherwise indicated.

TMH = tear meniscus height; NLD = nasolacrimal duct.

*Paired t-test; Chi-square test.

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Table 3

Frequency of discharge in anophthalmic eyes with or without lagophthalmos


Values are presented as number (%).

*Chi-square test.

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Conflicts of Interest The authors have no conflicts to disclose.


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