Journal List > J Korean Orthop Assoc > v.23(2) > 1115711

Choi, Lee, Son, Park, and Suk: A Clinical Study of Ankle Fracture


The ankle joint is a modified complex hinge joint which plays an important role in weight bearing, walking and standing. Injuries about the ankle joint cause destruction of not only bony architecture but often also the ligamentous and soft tissue component. So the goal of the treatment of ankle fracture is restoring normal relations of ankle mortise and regaining a smooth articular surface. The author have reviewed 84 cases of ankle fractures which were treated through the admission in the Orthopedic Department, In Je Medical College Pusan Paik Hospital from June 1979 to August 1986. The average duration of the follow-up was one year. The results obtained from this study were as follows :
1. The most common type was Danis-Weber type C. Nexts were B and A in order. According to the classification of Lauge-Hansen, the most common type was Pronation-external rotstion(39.2%).
2. In Danis-Weber type B and C, satisfactory result was obtained by operative treatment.
3. Danis-Weber's classification was very practical criteria for treatment of the ankle fracture.

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