Journal List > J Korean Orthop Assoc > v.23(2) > 1115710

Kim, Lee, Kim, Park, Choi, and Kim: A Clinical Study on the Fractures of the Calcaneus


The Os Calcis is the largest bone of the tarsal bones. The incidence of fracture of the calcaneus is more frequent than that of any other tarsal bones. Fractures involving subtalar joint can usually cause serious and persistent disabilities and badly influence the patients psychologically, socislly and economically. But, there was no standardinzed treatment method for these fractures. Calcaneal fractures of 40 feet in 33 patients who were treated st department of orthopedic surgery, college of medicine, Kyungpook national university, from Jan. 1982 to Dec. 1986 were analyzed in clinical and radiological aspects. The results obtained from this study were as follows. 1. Of the 33 patients, men were 25 (76%) and the mean age was 34 and 10 were in their thirties. 2. The most common cause of injury was a fall from height 23 patients (70%) and injury of the spine was most commonly associated. 3. Fractures involving the subtalar joint were 31 cases (78%) and 27 cases (68%) were Rowes type V. Of these Rowe's typeV, those of tongue type were 12 cases (30%) and joint depression type, 15 cases (38%). 4. In 17 cases of the fractures involving the subtalar joint, we had used Essex-Lopresti axial fixation method and obtained satiofactory results in 9 cases (53%). 5. The most common complications after treatment were persistent pain about foot and ankle. Of these, pain beneath the lateral malleolus was most frequent (9 cases).6. The more restored the Bohler's angle, the better the result.

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