There are many causes of heel pin, especially painful condition of posterosuperior portion of the calcaneus is mainly due to retrocalcaneal bursitis or tendo Achilles bursitis. When retrocalcaneal bursitis associated with prominence of superior part of the tuberosity of the calcaneus does not respond to conservative measures, it may be necessary to excise the prominence. But prompt surgical intervention is not indicated for acute burisitis, chronic bursitis with infected draining sinuses, or chronic bursitis without as adequate trial of conservative therapy. The surgical treatment is indicated when symptoms persist despite of conservative therapy. There are two types of operation. The first involves resection of the postero-superior prominence of calcaneal tuberosity. The second type of operation is a cuneiform osteotomy of the calcaneus with removal of a dorsally based wedge. We operated 5 cases of retrocalcaneal bursitis which did not respond to adequate conservative treatment. The operation was resection of the postero-superior prominence of calcaneal tuberosity along with resection of bursa and the results were fairly good in all patients and no serious complication.