Journal List > J Korean Orthop Assoc > v.26(5) > 1114654

Chung, Yoo, and Kim: Maquet Operation


Patellofemoral arthralgia is one of the most frequently encontered causes of the anterior knee pain in young people and the role of surgery in its treatment is still controversial. In 1963, Maquet introduced a procedure designed to alter joint reactive forces in the patellofemoral compartment by anterior displacement of the patellar tendon insertion, Bandi and Brenwald, and more recently Ferguson measured the reactive forces of patellofemoral joint before and after tibial tubercle advancement and demonstrated that patellofemoral pressure could be adequately reduced by elevating the patellar tendon attachment only 1.25cm. This amount of elevation reduces the risk of poor skin healing and decreases the prominence resulting from the Maquet procedure. Since from March, 1985, 15 patients suffering from patellofemoral pain, resistant to conservative treatment, underwent Maquet procedures and resulted in a substaintial reduction of pain in all patients except one. And the following results were obtained; 1. There were 15 males in all patients, and average age was 39 years, ranging from 29 to 50. 2. According to Bentley's assessment, postoperative results revealed excellet in 7 cases, good in 5, fair in 2, and poor in one. 3. Only one postoperative complication was wound distruption.

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