Journal List > J Korean Orthop Assoc > v.26(5) > 1114644

Song and Choi: Metal Failures after Compression Plate Fixation


The compression plating apparatus of the Association for Study of Internal Fixation(ASIF) seems to satisfy the basic objectives of internal fixations. However, sometimes we have found metal failures after compression plate fixation. We analyzed 18 cases of metal failure after compression plate fixation, treated at the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Chonbuk National University Hospital from September, 1986 to December, 1990. We obtained the following results;1. The causes of fracture were traffic accidents in 11 cases, falling down in 6 cases and blunt trauma in 1 case. The sites of the fractures were femur in 13 cases, tibia in 4 cases and humerus in 1 cases. 2. The interval between initial operation and metal failure was 6.8 months on average, ranging from one to fifteen months. Fifty peccent of the metal faiures occurred within 5 months. 3. The causes of metal failures were empty hole, remaining defect, inadequate reduction and inadequate postoperative management. 4. Treatments of metal failures were compression plate fixation with bone graft in 15 cases, and IM nailing with bone graft in 3 cases. Metal failure occurred again in one case and the others obtained successful bone union. 5. Accurate preoperative evaluation of fracture site, fracture pattern and selection of appopriate internal fixatives is necessary for the prevention of metal failure.

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