Journal List > J Korean Orthop Assoc > v.24(6) > 1114037

Cho, Seo, Lee, and Oh: Clinical Study of Tennis Elbow


The symptom of tennis elbows is a syndrome of pain and point tenderness localized at either extensor or flexor epicondylar origin at the elbow. One hundred and ninety-seven cases of tennis elbow seen from Jan. 1985 to Dec. 1988 were managed by mean of conservative treatments firstly such as rest, medication, immobilization, P-T and local steroid injection. Among the 197 cases, 32 cases were treated with Nirschl and Pettrone operation. The results were summerized as follows, l. Of 197 cases, 139 cases were female, and 96 cases were in the age group 41 to 50. 2. One hundred and thirty-two cases were housewives. 3. Only 11 cases had history of sports. 4. By Nirsch and Pettrone assessment, the end results of conservative treatment were excellent and good in 117 cases(59.4%), fair and failure in 80 cases(41.2%). 5. Among the 11 cases treated with Nirsch and Pettrone operation, excellent result was obtained in 6 cases, good in 3 cases, fair in one case and failure in one case.

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