Journal List > J Korean Orthop Assoc > v.29(5) > 1113569

Lee, Kwon, Kim, and Kim: CT Classification and Surgical Treatment of Intra-Articular Fractures of the Calcaneus


Computed tomography was used in the evaluation of intra-articular fractures of the calcaneus to develop and reasonable treatment program and predict prognosis. Twenty-four fractures of the calcaneus in the twenty-two patients were shown to involve the posterior facet and classified by the images of coronal CT scan; Type 1(non-displaced), Type 2(displaced) and Type 3(comminuted). There were one Type 1, fourteen Type 2, and nine type 3 fractures, all of which were treated with open reduction, internal fixation, with or without bone graft. The length of follow-up ranged from eighteen to thirty-six months(mean, 23 months). the results were fraded by a predetermined point system. The one Type 1 had an excellent result. Of the fourteen Type 2 fractures, four had and excellent result; seven good result; two fair; and one poor. Of the nine Type 3 fractures, two had good; three fair; and four poor result. On the basis of our study, we believed that open reduction and internal fixation was a good method of treatment for the displacce or mildly comminuted intra-articular fractures of the cal-caneus.

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