Journal List > J Korean Orthop Assoc > v.32(7) > 1113338

Wang, Roh, Kim, Yun, Yoo, and Hwang: Solitary Plexiform Neurofibroma on the Median Nerve: A Case Report


Neurofibroma, one of the peripheral nerve tumor, is a complex benign tumor arising from skin, deep soft tissue, nerve tissue and bone. The incidence of peripheral nerve tumor is relatively low and it may occur either solitarily or diffusely. Plexiform neurofibroma, a type of neurofibroma, develops characteristically in the patients with von Recklinghausen's disease and its exact incidence is unknown. The case reports of solitary plexiform neurofibroma not associated with von Recklinghausen's disease were extremely rare. We reported a case of solitary plexiform neurofibroma on the median nerve.

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