Journal List > J Korean Orthop Assoc > v.30(3) > 1113202

Yoon, Oh, Kang, Kim, and Park: Tarsometatarsal Fracture: Dislocation


Tarsometatarsal injury has not been paid much attention due to it is unusual frequency. But the cases of tarsometatarsal injuries are on the increase in proportion to the increasing "high energy trauma injury" resulted from the traffic and industrial accidents. The purpose of this study is both assessing the relative effects among clinical results, final radiologic findings, treatment results and symtoms. In view of the results so far achieved from 20 cases of tarsometatarsal fracture dislocation which had been treated at Sung-Ae general hospital from January 1990 to December 1993, the results were as follows: 1. Thirteen cases were treated by open reduction and 3 cases were treated by closed reduction with smooth pins but no reduction loss were experienced. 2. Traumatic arthrosis could be observed in 14 cases but there were no influences on the functional end results. 3. Anatomical results correlated with pain. 4. Anatomical or neraly anatomical reduction was considered as most important factor of prognosis.

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