This study was aimed (1) to evaluate osteoporotic vertehral fracture using normal morphometric dimensions in the Korean women (2) to test the relative importance of vertebral morphometry and fracture characteristics in predicting lumbar spine hone mineral density (3) to study clinical significance of the patients of 2 standard deviation to 3 standard deviation morphometric value. Normal morphometric data was ohtained from 60 heolthy women and 100 women with osteoporotic vertebral fracture defined by normal morphometry were evaluated. Fracture identification by 3SD cut off value was almost similar with that of qualitative method. Fracture identification by 2SD cut off value showed an increased number of fractures on the mid thoracic and thoracolumbar junction. Distrihution of the osteoporotic vertehral fracture showed double peaks on mid thoracic and thoracolumbar junction. Bone mineral density of third lumhar spine (LSBMD) in the multiple fracture group was significantly decreased from that of the single tracture group(p<0.05). LSBMD in the disperse fracture group was not different from that of the cluster fracture group(P>0.05). Comparing LSBMD of 3SD, 2SD-3SD fracture group and controls, the 3SD fracture group showed lowest value (P<0.01). But LSBMD of 2SD-3SD fracture group showed no difference with that of controls. Fracture threshold was 0.847gm/cm2 in 90th percentile. The correlation of LSBMD with the sum of normalized height of vertebral bodies, the sum of the deformity ratio of the vertebral body and spinal deformity index were all statistically insignificant.